Tuesday, April 22, 2014

10:53 AM

At Harmony Village, we love eco-friendly initiatives that make a difference in your life and the lives of future generations. To celebrate Earth Day on April 22, we have five easy steps to make your world a little bit greener:

1. Enjoy natural lighting: Now that spring is here, enjoy the natural light and keep your indoor lights off. Another great energy efficient tip is to replace your current light bulbs for LED light bulbs. They reduce energy consumption by 80 - 90 per cent and can last up to 100,000 hours.

2. Recycle: Before disposing any garbage, make sure to recycle all paper, plastic, cans and packaging materials.

3. Reuse: When shopping or doing errands, try to avoid using plastic bags and opt for a reusable tote. Keeping with this theme, ditch the plastic water bottles and replace it with a reusable bottle that you can refill on the go

4. Get active: Try your best to stay off the roads today! Instead, give yourself extra time to get to your destination by walking, biking or carpooling

5. Heating and cooling:
As the air starts to warm up, open your windows and enjoy the fresh air.

Harmony Village’s innovative and environmentally friendly design include the latest in cogeneration and geothermal technologies along with energy saving lighting and programs to reuse and recycle of organic waste. We’re also doing our part to reduce our carbon footprint by incorporating car clubs, electrical vehicle charging stations and car rental programs.

To learn more about Harmony Village’s co-generation and geothermal technology, watch this video or read this Toronto Star article – Harmony Village to pioneer sustainable power.


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