Monday, March 17, 2014

3:28 PM

The developers behind Harmony Village Sheppard are incorporating the latest in co-generation and geothermal technologies to keep residents safe and comfortable year-round. At Harmony Village you won't be left in the dark.

In Harmony Village's latest video, City Core's CEO Jack Pong talks about his unique vision. Gregory Winokur, principal and lead engineer of AEC Consultants along with Jawad Rathore, president and CEO of Fortress, break down how these revolutionary geothermal technologies work.

"It's all about driving best end value to the consumer," says Rathore. "At the end of the day, a Harmony Village resident is going to be in a state of the art building and if you put two different facilities side by side next to Harmony Village the end value, the retained value and the higher reasale value is going to lie in the Harmony Village suite because it has all these great environment benefits."

Watch the full video here:


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