Friday, January 24, 2014

11:00 AM

Earlier this week, we shared a National Post article that highlights the importance of staying active as you age. Another key to physical health is a balanced diet. While unhealthy snacks can be appealing when you’re hungry and on the go, you can avoid sugary temptations by planning ahead! To help you eat better, we have some cheerful suggestions that are delicious and healthy and won’t break the bank.  
1.     Roasted Chickpeas - Craving salty, savoury snacks? We have a solution for you. Crunchy and satisfying, roasted chickpeas are healthy and can be flavoured with a variety of seasonings, such as chili and garlic powder. Try this spicy roasted chickpea recipe that only needs four simple ingredients! 
2.     Breakfast Smoothie - Tight for time in the morning? Smoothies are refreshing and a great way to take in important nutrients. If you find a typical fruit smoothie doesn’t keep hunger at bay until lunchtime, trying adding a spoonful of nut butter or chia seeds to keep you feeling full. This Best Health Magazine article includes a list of 12 inspiring – and delicious – smoothie recipes.
3.     Hard-boiled eggs - Packed with protein and vitamins, eggs are a great snack and give you a boost before a workout. An added bonus, hard-boiled eggs can be kept in the fridge for a week, so they’re an ideal make-ahead snack. Check out Egg Farmers of Canada’s tips for the perfect hard-boiled egg here.
To help you maintain a healthy and active lifestyle, Harmony Village will offer cooking classes and accessible exercise facilities that complement your busy lifestyle. Keep reading our blog to learn how we plan to incorporate health and fitness in our developments. [Photo source]


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