Monday, January 20, 2014

11:30 AM

New Year’s Day has come and gone, and by now many of us are shrugging off lofty resolutions and getting back into our familiar routines. However, if your goal in 2014 is to be more active, don’t give up so easily. According to a recent article in the National Post, “Baby Boomers should start working out now if they want to be fit in senior years, doctor says,” how much and how fast you lose muscle mass, bone density, flexibility and aerobic capacity as you age is greatly influenced by your fitness level. Those of us lucky enough to age into our seventies and beyond need to be diligent with physical fitness in middle age in order to be happy and healthy later on, experts say.
Typically, when we’re in our teens, twenties and thirties, exercise primarily revolves around maintaining physical appearance – looking our best and maintaining a healthy weight. As we age, maintaining muscle is a key component to overall health and wellness. Staying active now will help us maintain our independence and allow us to continue enjoying the activities we love.
At Harmony Village Sheppard and Harmony Village Lake Simcoe, fulsome lifestyle and exercise amenities will be provided for residents and the community. We’re committed to making it as easy and convenient as possible for you to sustain an independent lifestyle.
Are you exercising often? How do you stay inspired in the winter months? Share your tips and tricks with us and on the Harmony Village Facebook page. 


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