Monday, October 21, 2013

10:00 AM

There are many aspects to maintaining a balanced and healthy lifestyle and a key component is physical activity. While this is no shock to most, the difficulty often lies in finding accessible means of exercise and staying motivated.

Here are some great these great tips to stay active and healthy:
  1. Don’t go it alone: While some people find a sense of solace and calm in a long walk, this isn’t appealing for everyone. So invite a friend along! Arrange for after dinner walks in the neighbourhood on a regular basis or join a group fitness class. A group environment can be very motivating and even spark some friendly competition.
  2. Start slow: A little goes a long way. It’s perfectly fine if you don’t see yourself running a marathon or designating 12 hours a week to working out. Making time in the morning for a quick stretch before you start your day or a walk around the block can make a big difference.  
  3. Do what you enjoy: Don’t feel the need to stick to a rigid exercise routine, or stick to a specific program. Don’t like walking outdoors? Walk in the mall. Step classes aren’t for you? Try yoga. There are tons of fun and new exercise options, and being active in a way that you enjoy will help you maintain a routine and stay healthy.
At Harmony Village, we’re committed to providing our residents and the community with facilities and specific programs to help them stay active all year round. What’s your favourite activity?

Share how you stay active on our Facebook page! Visit our site for more information about our project.


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